The traits of Carl are:
Graphic design
Graphic design is like a child to me. Finding the perfect expression, bending the elements – the image, the text, the white space – to a shape and form where dynamics and harmony co-exist.
For you I can design a passionate profile, intimate publication, epic billboards and much more. -
Does verbs, adjectives and nouns give you the heebie jeebie?
Fear not, for I love to braid words and expressions into neat little packages that carries whatever you wish to say to whom ever must hear it. -
With a foundation in art (see "About") I can safely say that the shapes, strokes and colours inhabits my wrists. And mind!
Sometimes I illustrate digital, other times analog, mostly I prefer the blend. And I fear not any tasks! -
Web is kind of new to me. After my graduation from HDK, I new nothing. Since than I have self tought it: HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery.
I am quite happy for this; I Understand webb, And more importantly, I understand design. Powerful tools it is said!